Monday, November 2, 2009

What Twitter Is - Getting to know Twitter

Welcome to the world of Twitter, a micro-blogging or status update platform.

What is it?
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People write short updates, often called "tweets". Your updates may only be up to 140 characters or fewer. These messages are posted to your profile or your blog, sent to your followers, and are searchable on Twitter search. When you write a new blogpost, article, or squidoo lens, create a new video or just about anything else, be sure to post the link on Twitter. People will see your tweets or twits (a tweet or twit is an update) and they may click the link you are posting about.

Twitter can help ANYONE do the following:

-Brand yourself, your businesses or your products by fostering market awareness with your twitter postings. Simply by answering questions in your area of expertise you can build a know, like and trust with people you have never met outside of Twitter. Find a niche and dig in! A year from now you want to be heavily entrenched in your market, then when people new to Twitter find you they will know your a leader worth following.

-Stay plugged in! Learn from others. It's a great idea to follow those you wish to learn from. Picking up nuggets of wisdom on Twitter is easy if your following the right people and paying attention to their tweets. You may even be exchanging tweets with future J.V. partners, so behave in a civilized manner. Always remember: you are building relationships for the long haul and you can always find quality services, coaches and trainers in Twitters vast population.

-Build a crescendo of excitement for your new launches by providing content rich posts that keep your followers in step with your launch preparations. Get your followers emotionally involved in the story of your product or launch by letting them participate in review, feedback, product creation or product naming. They will wait in anticipation for your product or service to come to market and be among your first buyers.